Dear Family,

I am thrilled that Dad is sending his devotionals by email. He has a wealth of wisdom. "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom" Proverbs 9:10. The treasure trove of gems he daily mines from God's Word and the books he reads become more precious as he shares them. Miles separate us, but cyberspace has stepped in to bring us closer together and enable Dad to share in this way. I am posting his devotionals on Blogger by request of many who wanted to be "adopted family" in order to read his devotionals.

Because I have often wanted to share photographs, slide shows, and short home movies with you, I am starting a blog for that purpose. Dad bought me a digital camera in spite of my protests, but I have enjoyed using it and wish to share the joy in the photos I have taken.

In our earlier days much of our lives was documented with slides. However, slides cannot be enjoyed unless they are projected on a screen--that is, until the dawn of the digital world. I have scanned all those slides on to my computer, but here they sit. Now, with the help of Blogger, I can share them with you as I have time to upload them, and you can view them at your leisure.

I'm sure these iMages will evoke memories, and I hope you will not mind indulging my musings. Also, there may by memos I wish to share from time to time.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Hudson's Birthday, February 1

Hi Everyone!

I wanted to give Hudson some memories to recall for his 48th birthday (yes 48th!) and so I made a short video from slides I had scanned on to my computer. It took me a while to get it on my blogsite as I'm just learning how to use all these modern technicalities of computers and the cyber world. Lots of quality is lost from the old slides to one digital device and then on to yet another, but at least the memories are captured.

A couple of years ago I was trying to do the same for Judson, and so I have posted that video also. (Becky, I'm having some problems with the one I made you.) I enjoy Joel Rosenberg's piano music so much that I have kept it on autostart but have cancelled the loop so that the hymn plays only once. You'll have to wait until the hymn is finished playing to play the Youtube videos. It's 3 minutes long, so maybe you can go to something else and come back to play the videos. Hope you enjoy them. I have learned where to find public domain music for the backgrounds of the videos.

Hudson, be assured of our love and prayer for you as you continue another year of your pilgrimage here and as you set your eyes on that "blessed hope." We love you!

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